June 6th, 1944. A fascinating, amazing, and frightful feat in planning, logistics, and cost of human lives on both sides.
When you stop to think of things like the 1939-45 war and the allied invasion of Normandy in June of 1944 -- to say nothing of the various conflicts that have arisen in the years since -- suddenly things like leather dress shoes and the precise fit of a man's shirt or suit seem completely frivolous by comparison. Since my wife and I have German, Japanese, Russian, and Muslim friends, colleagues, and acquaintances (all perceived as "The Enemy" at one time or another), I am always of two minds whenever these significant anniversaries come around. Rejoicing seems wrong somehow and quiet reflection preferable. What horrible and unspeakable things we are capable of thinking about, saying, and doing to each other.
-- Heinz-Ulrich
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-- Heinz-Ulrich