Once in a while, the stars align just so, and a small party works out well. Yesterday evening, for the first time in a long time, we had three couples over for desserts and drinks on the back porch between 5-8pm. And it went off without a hitch.
People brought a few things to enjoy, which were quickly set out in the kitchen on the way to the back porch. The house, lawn, and flower beds looked scenic. Our son The Young Master enjoyed himself (and in a polite, even charming way) before excusing himself after about an hour. And everyone seemed to have a genuinely nice time with laughter, funny stories, and pleasant conversation.
Best of all, everyone was gone by 8:30, and clean-up went quickly. By the time I returned from bedtime reading (we have recently started the fourth Harry Potter title) and tucking in The Young Master, everyone was gone, and The Grand Duchess had loaded and started the trusty dishwasher. Ahhhhh. . .
If the new Delta variant of Covid does not put us all into lock-down mode again by the fall -- For the love of Pete, get your vaccinations if you have not already done so, people! -- I suggested to The Grand Duchess that we invite the same group in a few months to pick up where we left off yesterday evening. Socializing for a few hours on a warm summer evening was more fun than I expected.
-- Heinz-Ulrich
Here's to hoping we do not have to go back.