O n a completely different note, here's another thought for 2022 as we move into February. Let’s cultivate the habit of self-reflexivity. Let’s make an effort to become more introspective and willing to look more closely at our actions, choices, behaviors, and attitudes. Not to the point of inactive stasis, but let’s take an occasional a look at ourselves and our approach to life, eh fellas? Doing so more than seems typical in our, at times, appallingly superficial hustle-bustle, digital world of the 21 st century might help us recognize certain self-defeating, or even destructive patterns and make concrete changes to smooth the road before us. Cultivating a habit of self-reflection might also help us to become more considerate of those in our immediate orbits, making us easier to take day to day and, in the process, generally more pleasant to be around. Call me a pie-eyed optimist, but all of this could potentially help make the world a kinder, gentl