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Flannel and Suede Tuesday. . .

Whew!  Almost three hours spent reading and providing feedback for 41 self-evaluative reflections submitted by students at the end of last week for one of my two courses this semester/term.  A largely thankless task since most will pay no attention to the probing questions asked  and suggestions made.

There are ten such low risk (two points each) formative assignments between Week Two and Week 13 besides three collaborative projects (due at the end of Week Five, Week 10, and Week 14) and a semester capstone that students complete individually (due at the end of Week 15).  The format is similar for all of the courses I teach whether face-to-face, hybrid, or asynchronous online. 

So, why spend the time providing feedback for the ether?  To create a paper trail of sorts.  That way, when students come to me with either belligerence or crocodile tears (it rarely varies) and complaints that they won't be able to earn their A+ -- a foregone conclusion out ahead of the invariable medical or law school applications -- I can direct them to the feedback provided, which is visible in the little online window next to the file of, or link to, the work submitted. 

To wit: "Have you read and followed up on the suggestions I made?  What measures have you taken to improve the situation as a result?  What can you do to think more deeply about and develop more detailed reflections on course materials and your related learning for a given week?" 

Alternately, "What are some concrete steps you can take to collaborate more effectively with the members of your student learning team each week?"  

Problems, either independent or collaborative, usually stem from a lack of forethought, careful planning, effective organization, poor communication, and/or follow-through.  Usually a combination thereof.  People would learn a lot more, and be able to demonstrate if not mastery, then at least familiarity, if only they would read and follow directions.  Sigh.


The attire for today includes items already in the rotation for a number of years although this is the first wearing for the light gray flannel pants.  Purchased these on sale a year or more ago, but only managed to get them to the tailor for the usual minor alterations back in May or June.  

So, warm and toasty for a chilly fall morning.  Almost like pajamas, and certainly every bit as comfortable, but pressed and better looking.  I remain convinced that if more men were aware that comfort can very much be a part of the dressing up equation, then more of them would take pains to attire themselves more presentably than has become the accepted norm in the 21st century.


Early this morning while dressing, I put on one of my wristwatches, just back from the jeweler with a new battery, only to find it has stopped again.  Argh!!!!  Luckily they are two doors down from our son's Tae Kwon Do studio, so I can drop it off again tomorrow afternoon.  But, darn.  

And no.  That's NOT what I thought to myself, but propriety you understand.

-- Heinz-Ulrich 


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