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Rainy Sunday Style. . .


A very quiet and damp day here at Totleigh today.  I actually managed to sleep until 10am!  Can't remember the last time that occurred.  

In any case, a shower, a splash of St. John's 'Madras', some informal attire, and we're ready to put the back porch together for the 2024 season, which will be a nice surprise for the Grand Duchess, who is out with the Young Master right now.  I'll get to that after another mug of fresh coffee and submitting final course grades to the requisite online portal of course. 

The navy blue Rugby jersey and leather deck shoes have been in the rotation for years.  The red shorts were an end of season clearance purchase last fall, and today is their inaugural wearing.  A 9" inseam when I stand by the way.

In the next week or so, depending on available time, I'll stow the rest of my cool weather attire and finish replacing it with the usual late spring and summer gear, both more formal and the casual stuff.  A lot of men, for some reason, have trouble with colorful or patterned clothing.  For summertime, or indeed anytime at all, I'm quite happy to stick out like a sore thumb with madras, colorful shorts, striped seersucker, and the like.  

It's classic style after all.  And certainly preferable to a sweat stained t-shirt, a tank top with underarm hair on full view, or ratty cargo shorts.  I have no problem with masculinity, but some polish, sophistication, finesse, and discretion are necessary attributes.  We're not cavemen after all.  But then I've just shared shots of my unshaven jawline and hairy legs above, so what do I know?

-- Heinz Ulrich 


All put together for the late spring and summer season.

Mid-afternoon grazing.


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