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October 1st Style. . .


The attire for today includes a pair of light gray wool gabardine pants that I rediscovered a few days ago hanging with another jacket in the cedar closet built into  an out of the way corner of Zum Stollenkeller.  The wife of the previous owners of our house made wedding dresses, and her husand added it at some point.  Since we moved into the house in December 2015, however, I have appropriated the closet for my off season wardrobe items.  

Otherwise, a not displeasing variation of the usual gear.  Typically, I wear a suit of some kind when I teach classes on Mondays, and combinations of sports jackets or blazers with odd pants the rest of the week.

A similar pair of wool "gabs," but in taupe, is also in the rotation somewhere, but paired with another jacket on a different hanger.  Must find them since I had forgotten how comfortable the pants are.  Easily as effortless as pajama bottoms, or Levis Dockers in all of those silly 1990s TV commercials ("Nice pants!") but creased and more, well, professional for want of a better term.  

A nice change too from my usual chinos, or "khakis" as I call them regardless of precise color.

-- Heinz-Ulrich


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