Here's to continued and consistent efforts to improve our approach to daily life in 2025. The key term to adopt for the coming 12 months is "growth mindset" when it comes not only to appearance and grooming, but also to intellectual pursuits. While appearance is vital in how we interact with the world around us, and keeping in mind that I am a vapid popinjay after all, it ain't just about the clothes we wear.
Kidding aside, I hope we can get through the coming year(s) with a minimum of the now daily discord, strife, willful ignorance, and general ugliness that we have come to expect in what now passes for acceptable sociopolitical discourse. As that fantastic band The Kinks intoned 40+ years ago, and I may be misquoting their song a bit, I hope we'll find better days for 2025 and beyond.
-- Heinz-Ulrich
Thanks for the post and have a blessed New Year! May God bless us all!