My current necktie collection after culling around 25 or so that I simply never wore, or that failed to knot in an acceptable way. I think there are about 75 ties in the rotation now. M oving your belongings from one abode to the next is never easy. It is even less so when moving hundreds or thousands of miles. Sigh. It could be worse I suppose. The packers are due here on Thursday morning, too bright and early for the two-day job of packing up our household belongings. Everything will next be loaded up on Monday next and transported to our temporary digs just outside East Lansing, Michigan during the next few days. Some of you regular visitors might recall that the Grand Duchess and I have both managed to land positions at Michigan State University, teaching for me and department chairing for her, slated to start at the end of August. Anyway, one of the many questions nagging at me the last several weeks has been how to pack my model soldier...