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Showing posts from June, 2024

A Lazy Saturday at the End of June. . .

  A sleepy first half of the weekend here at Totleigh.  Warmer and quite humid ahead of an approaching cool front here in Mid-Michigan.  Perfect for yet another pair of chino shorts an a seersucker shirt -- tucked in of course -- with the usual leather deck shoes and ribbon belt.  Otherwise, not much accomplished beyond a page or so of writing and monkeying around with audio settings for an upcoming podcast episode.   However, I was not completely useless yesterday!  I made a huge fruit salad for dinner, which the Grand Duchess and I enjoyed a short while later at the table on the back porch.  The Young Master, as is his wont on Saturday evenings,  took his dinner on a tray in the TV room upstairs where he whiled away a couple of hours on Flight Simulator, flying some sort of commercial airliner to some destination across the Atlantic or Pacific.  I would have loved that sort of technology at about nine or 10 way back during the late 1970s, aka The Stone Age.  As it is, my sister and

Late June Back Porch Style. . .

  A nother couple of quick shots of typical Late June (early summer) attire, illustrating that one need not resemble a walking dirty laundry hamper even when occupying private spaces at home.  Seasonally appropriate, comfortable, and cool.  Just right for working at the desktop PC, shuttling the Young Master to his math tutoring, taking out the kitchen garbage, edging the driveway late in the afternoon, and watering the hanging baskets on the front porch after dinner in the early evening. -- Heinz-Ulrich

Eye Exam Style. . .

  U p and at 'em early this Wednesday morning for an 8am appointment with my ophthalmologist for a routine check-up.  As always, it is better to forego the t-shirt, cargo pants, and grungy athletic shoes and dress for appointments with a bit of polish and sophistication.  People just react to and treat you better when you don't resemble an unmade bed on legs.  The items pictured above consists of the usual suspects, which are very easy to pull from the closet and toss on post-shower and shave without much thought at all.  The ease with which that can be achieved makes null and void the (tired) argument that dressing presentably somehow takes an unreasonable amount of time.  On the contrary!  You're, dressed,  out the door, in the car, and underway before you know it.  Ready for anything and attired like an adult rather than a 21st century version of Dennis the Menace. -- Heinz-Ulrich

Up North Style. . .

Bad Dad makes a friend. YMP and Bad Dad on the shores of Lake Michigan.  Or was that Crystal Lake? The Grand Duchess takes a selfie in her kayak. How NOT to impress the girls sunning themselves along the river. YMP and Bad Dad kayaking on the Platte River headed toward Loon Lake.   J ust back from a week in Northern Michigan in a charming and spacious house on the banks of the Betsie River outside of Thompsonville.  A largely pleasant seven days despite some challenging episodes with the Young Master, who has picked up some very questionable habits and language from his friends in the 8th Grade during the school year just ended.  But otherwise, we enjoyed ourselves and contemplated remaining for a few days longer since the house was available.   In the end, we decided to return home as planned originally since neither my wife, nor I wanted to spend the remaining days chained to our computers in Zoom meetings from our vacation destination.  I actually managed to leave the laptop and ip

Mid-June Thursday Style. . .

    A nother pretty typical variation on the theme for late spring, summer, and very early fall.  I'm a huge fan of Madras and have several such shirts in the seasonal rotation.  Lightweight, exceedingly comfortable, and even dressy when pressed and tucked in, which is the usual way of things here at Totleigh in the Wold.   Now, if I had my druthers, I'd still rather be skiing the trails in the upper half of "The Mitten" (of Michigan), in the Upper Peninsula, or Ontario.  But summers ain't so bad either, and I'd look pretty funny walking around in cross-country ski attire during June. -- Heinz-Ulrich

Nonconference Summer Style. . .

  I t's "Back to the salt mines!" as my much missed late maternal grandfather (and former paratrooper) David Lewis Stokes used to kid.  In any case, here's one typical variation of the summertime wardrobe for tooling around the house.  Early evening outdoor work in the yard, mowing, and such isn't much different, but I change into older, fraying items for that.   The Young Master dresses similarly, by preference at this point (We've trained him well!), although he is going through a stage in which he eschews shorts for jeans in the summers even when it is quite warm out.  No matter.  I was that way at his age (14.5).  He'll come around.   To his credit, however, he prefers polo, Madras, and poplin shirts during May through September.  Good man! -- Heinz-Ulrich

Return Trip Sunday. . .

A nd the final iteration of my approach to conference attire for the trip home yesterday (Sunday).  Overall, one of the best such events I've been to in the quarter century, or so that I have been attending academic conferences.  Along with very pleasant trips on either end the four-day jaunt.  It's good to be home though, and I am tired, but at the same time I'm already thinking ahead to next such event for Spring 2025. -- Heinz-Ulrich

Conference Style Saturday. . .

A nother variation on the conference theme here.  No one else looked like this at the conference, which had more than 800 professors, administrators, and staff from colleges and universities across the U.S. in attendance.  Yet I felt confident and at ease precisely due to the fact I was dressed, well, presentably.  It sounds silly, I realize, but dressing appropriately for the occasion or event boosts confidence although the Grand Duchess would say wryly that my own is in no need of help.  Wives are funny that way. -- Heinz-Ulrich

Conference Style Friday. . .

  U p and rarin' to go Friday morning, a slightly different variation of the standard conference uniform, which also worked remarkably well that evening, during the large poster presentation in which I participated after the plenary session.  I snapped the lower shot of the socks during my two croissants  and coffee that morning just because.  Gotta say that this particular combination of shoes, socks, and pants seems remarkably pleasing to the eye. -- Heinz-Ulrich

The Thursday Trip Out. . .

N ewly settled into my seat on the first flight as the rest of the passengers shuffled down the aisle.  It was about 5:15am and the start of a fairly straightforward route to New Orleans.  I was on the ground there and on the way to the hotel by 10:30 that morning.  The trip home was longer and more circuitous. -- Heinz-Ulrich  

Packing for a Conference. . .

P acking for a trip of any length, given that large steamer trucks and a gentleman's personal gentlemen are largely things of the past, can be difficult in 2024.  Especially if one wants to look semi-presentable traveling to, during, and coming home from a professional trip.  While this will be familiar territory to frequent business or conference travelers -- Weekend getaways are a slightly different beast although I'd still advise wearing a jacket with loafers on the feet. -- here is my iteration for the typical three to four-day conference trip: Navy blazer (Worn throughout.) Three pairs of chinos (Pack two, wear one.) Four button-down collar shirts (Pack three, wear one.) Two to four neckties (Optional these days if you wish.)  Brown or oxblood penny loafers (Worn throughout the trip.)  Brown and/or oxblood leather belt(s).  (Wear one, pack the other, swap 'em out each day). Three clean white undershirts (Besides the one worn.) Three pairs clean undershorts (Besides th

Monday Style. . .

  A lmost into full summer mode here at Totleigh in the Wold though scrambling to take care of a few things before departing for the 2024 Teaching Professors Conference in New Orleans later this week.  Don't worry!  I'll shave before then and remain clean-cut during said conference and on either end of the trip to and from.  A visit to the barber tomorrow morning to tame the mane as well. Now, many will sneer at the chino shorts with their 6" inseam.  I have come to prefer a 9" inseam myself in recent years, but there are still several pairs with the former measurement in the rotation.  Moreover, I like the olive green of this particular pair, so there we are.  In any case, there is no doubt that the addition of a belt elevates even the most casual combination of attire.  Except maybe sweatpants or pajama bottoms. A couple of my students about 10 or a dozen years ago once asked if I ever wore sweatpants, to which I replied (honestly), "Yes, but never in public.&q