The new square in action early this morning before the first class of the day. A s mentioned in a previous post or two, 2017 is the Year of Accessories here at Classic Style , and one of my favorite accessories happens to be pocket squares. I began wearing the silk paisley variety in my jacket and suit pockets back during the fall of 2003 in my first job immediately post-graduate school when I taught for 14 months at a small college just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota. Oddly, I don't recall specifically what it was that inspired me besides the vague impression that empty chest pockets struck me as somehow odd. The rather dandy move, in the minds of many men, was, admittedly, into uncharted territory. My nearest examples of how professional men ought to dress, my father and maternal grandfather wore suits five, and sometimes six, days a week in their working lives as Philadelphia and Manhattan-based corporate executives. Only my grandfathe...