From all of us at Classic Style, many happy returns in the New Year! A ll you have to do is look and listen in almost any public space these days. Or visit Yahoo News. Trashy has taken over in public life as far as attitude, behavior, speech, appearances, and even discourse go. Tacky, cheap, stupid, uninformed, and/or just downright offensive aren't far behind. Sigh. Now, infer what you wish about ol' yours truly, but unless you have your eyes closed, there is no doubt we are feeding somewhere along the bottom in the second decade of the 21st century when it comes to how people conduct themselves privately and in public. And the kinds of things we do. To ourselves and to others. We have lost something with the push for the increased democratization of society and related egalitarianism. Fine ideals in and of themselves, but by throwing the baby out with the bathwater where acceptable personal and public standards are co...