The Tinker Toy Robot in question, dubbed The Evil Paulbot, who commands ol' Dad to do numerous household chores in the Young Master's absence this week. T he Young Master and Grand Duchess are away for 10 days visiting grandparents. Yours truly is on his own with the cats and fish. Besides reading late into the night, taking long walks around the neighborhood, and painting some toy soldiers, I've been taking a few photographs for The Young Master, which I've emailed to him since they took off last Friday. The joke here is that eight-year old Young Master feels put upon by the addition of one quick daily summertime chore, in the name or helping his parents and learning a bit more responsibility, which he is expected to take care of five days a week right after breakfast, feeding the cats and fish, and brushing his teeth. These chores, which are printed on a list taped to the refrigerator door in the kitchen, include the following: Monday -- Bring his laund...