The humble pair of pushup bars. Cheap, easy to use, they give good results when used consistently over time, and could even be disassembled and tossed into a suitcase to travel with you should Monday through Friday business, or a family vacation take you on the road . I t's a well-know fact that many guys go a little batty in middle-age. Some choose the Just for Men route and dye their remaining hair, eyebrows, and beards/mustaches just a liiiiiiiittle too dark if you know what I mean. Some, if they don't go whole hog and spring for hair transplants, start doing a comb-over that is glaringly obvious to everyone else (and their dogs) from two miles away. Other guys buy the red sports car and begin wearing pinky rings with fur coats during the colder months. Some go so far as to jettison their wives and acquire the younger trophy girlfriend/wife in fairly short order. Then, there are some guys who inexplicably purchase a MASS...