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Showing posts from February, 2025

Apres Solo Ski Trip Style. . .

  B ack to Earth with a thud this morning following a three-day solo cross-country skiing excursion to our favorite Nordic center less than 2.5 hours north of us.  Amazing conditions, a skate ski lesson, and solid feedback from two coaches.  My eventual goal of attaining Level One certification as a Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA) coach seems to be within reach with more practice on the snow next season and careful study for the written exam.   Yes! Planning on a similar escape this coming weekend, with the blessings of the Grand Duchess, which might be the last such jaunt for the 2024-2025 ski season here in Lower Michigan.  Snow and snow conditions get iffy in March with the approach of Spring, but you never know.  I managed to ski locally last year right up until the tail end of the month.  The 28th or 29th if memory serves. As far as today's attire is concerned, pretty typical winter fare.  But the darned bow tie simply ref...

Hanging Around Style. . .

  H anging around the house this morning waiting for remodeling crew to arrive to begin installing a new shower in our master bathroom on the second floor and ceiling repair in the living room below.  Four months later.  Tucked-in shirt tails and a navy-orange ribbon belt complete the ensemble for today.  Hey, even in the face of waiting around, delays, and the second such project within the same space in two years (Don't ask!), there is no reason not to look reasonably presentable. -- Heinz-Ulrich

Polar Monday Style. . .

  L ots of snow on the ground with gusting winds and a subzero (Fahrenheit) windchill here in the Grand Duchy today, hence the slightly more casual look.  Brushing yet more snow off the car before departure for campus ain't exactly kind to neckties you understand.  But otherwise, the overall combination isn't too bad.  Corduroy jeans instead of the more typical dress cords along with L.L. Bean boots and my very heavy duffel coat.   We are actually having a genuine winter here in Mid-Michigan this year.  Fairly decent trail grooming for cross-country skiing at two of our area parks, so the Grand Duchess and I enjoyed skiing through meadows and woods Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (joined by a mutual friend yesterday).  I'm actually going to head over again later this afternoon to practice some V1 technique (and maybe V2 Alternate) on my skate skis.    I know, I know.  My late mother could never understand my love of winter either...

Casual Dinner Out Style. . .

  On the lower half, a pair of cinnamon-colored corduroy jeans, ribbon belt, and LL Bean duck shoes with Smart Wool socks. Just home from a day of meetings on campus, my wife also wore charcoal wool dress pants with a crease and a pair of zip-up winter boots with heels to make her 5' 3" (160cm) frame a bit more commanding. T he Grand Duchess and I managed to escape yesterday (Friday) evening for a couple of hours to enjoy a rare dinner out for just the two of us.  We were lucky to find a small table at our favorite local Thai restaurant given that virtually all local eateries were booked solid since it was Valentine's Day.   Our small table in a corner was eventually crowded with Mango Curry, a delicious coconut and tofu soup, steamed dumplings, Drunken Noodles, and a steaming pot of Jasmine tea.  Perfect for the cold, snowy evening outside.  And yes, we brought home what we could not manage to finish.  But boy, did we try!   Sartorially spea...

Frigid February Irreverence. . .

  T aking the edge off a double-breasted flannel suit today with the addition of a vintage 'Makers' necktie from Brooks Brothers, featuring a heard of giraffes sporting polka dot neckties.  Several people expressed their approval of the combination beginning with the barista who rang up my organic dark roast coffee early this morning.  Never necessary, of course, but always nice to hear.  Other items shown are part of the usual winter time rotation, including SWIMS overshoes, a navy double-breasted polo coat, a 30+ year old wool scarf given to my by dear, departed ol' Mom, and a Borsalino fedora.  Either I frighten students to death, or make 'em laugh.  Probably a mix of both. -- Heinz-Ulrich

Midwinter Saturday Style. . .

  A cold, gray, and crunchy February Saturday here in the Grand Duchy.  Not necessarily ideal for skiing, but perfect for a quick drive up the road and around the corner to pick up a prescription and several household items for the Grand Duchess and Young Master.  Illustrating yet again that it is entirely possible to dress comfortably for the season without devolving into something that resembles an overstuffed yet walking dirty laundry bag filled with soiled, wrinkled clothing.   Pictured here are my favorite Norwegian sweater of all, a 30+ year-old L.L. Bean number from when they were the genuine wool article made in Norway along with a well-worn pair of Land's End corduroy jeans, a pair of L.L. Bean duck shoes, both of which have been in the rotation for at least a dozen years, and a barely visible flannel shirt by L.L. Bean worn beneath the sweater.  Invisible are the newer but rather Nordic looking socks by Smart Wool (in blue, brown, and orange) and...

Avoiding Aunt Agatha. . .

  W hich is really just a long-winded way of saying that I donned a tweed suit yesterday (Monday) by Chipp, with an odd waistcoat that picks up a color in the windowpane pattern on the suit, along with a few other items that worked with the overall visage.  Though, sadly, I lacked the 12-cylinder roadster needed for the drive down from London.   Sigh.  Somehow, a Subaru Outback doesn't have quite the same pizazz.  -- Heinz-Ulrich