The newly arrived recondition ed A l len Edmonds shoes, courtesy of Allen Edmonds, along with a few unexpected customer appreciation gifts. R eaders of The Average Guy's Guide to Classic Style will know that I generally advocate thrifting and watching for sales as cost-conscious ways of building one's wardrobe. And the same goes for footwear. I've been lucky enough to spot half a dozen pairs of Allen Edmonds dress shoes in two local thrift stores and on line during the last couple of years, building a small but respectable collection of very nice dress shoes for a fraction of their retail cost. Some among you might be able to acquire a good basic collection of dress shoes more rapidly if you have more and better thrift shops in your area, but I suffer from smaller than average feet for a guy, and narrower too . So, it has take n a bit longer than I thought it initially might to f ind and add several pai rs of quality dress shoes to the wardrobe . T h...