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Casual Friday Meeting Style. . .

Here's the top for today along with a rather ebullient silk pocket square featuring 'Harry the Labrador', who belongs to the Grey Fox in the U.K.  I could hardly pass up buying one of these last winter when they became available.

Normally, I do not have any commitments on campus most Fridays and have little opportunity to wear more than chino shorts and a short-sleeved Madras, seersucker, or polo shirt in warmer, quite humid weather like we've had here in Mid-Michigan this week.  But this morning there was the first meeting of my university's Phi Kappa Phi executive committee for the 2016-2017 academic year, so my presence was required.  Our secretary, however, had assembled such a thorough and well-presented agenda for this morning and, indeed, the coming year, which was emailed to us a day beforehand, that our face-to-face meeting was, in my view, unnecessary.  Ah, well.  It gave me a reason to shower, shave, press a shirt, and look alive for an hour.  Here are the results of my efforts to appear engaged in the conversation around the table between 11am-Noon today.

-- Heinz-Ulrich

And the lower half.  The dress chinos are Dove Gray although in this particular shot they look more light stone khaki or whatever clothing companies are calling it this year.  The Witchy-Poo socks are by Dapper Classics.

On the way home, I stopped by my tailor's to pick up my three-button blazer that has always been a bit too tight in the body.  He let it out about 1" total at the side seams, which makes the item hang cleanly now, and it no longer buckles at the lapels when I fasten the middle button either.  Oh, and he replaced the old generic buttons with genuine brass buttons that feature the crest and motto of my alma mater, the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  I'll wear this with a blue oxford cloth button-down shirt and a new maroon silk knit necktie on Monday.


  1. This may be of interest:


    Old School

  2. Thank you! My particular favorite is, when a student has been absent, "Did I miss anything important?" I have already heard that from one man-child who managed to miss the first day of class two weeks ago. Why, God? Why??!!

    -- Heinz-Ulrich

  3. I had a student ask "Did you say anything important?"--even worse phrasing than "Did I miss anything important?"


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All opinions are welcome here. Even those that differ from mine. But let's keep it clean and civil, please.

-- Heinz-Ulrich

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