The proverbial overflowing hamper of dirty laundry, which seems to be the look many men of various ages strive for actively in 2020. I maintain they just don't know any better. W hether you are lucky enough to be able to work from home via online applications like Zoom, Teams,, etc., or you are back in the office wearing a mask and social distancing, do everything in your power to avoid looking like an overstuffed lawn & leaf bag with legs. How you present yourself to the world counts, guys. Business casual does not mean turning up for work in anything resembling pajamas, t-shirts with ironic sayings, sweatpants, cargo shorts, or anything with wrinkles, rips, tears, food, or grease stains. Unless you intend to resemble a terminally 30-year old cafe barista with a five-day growth forever working your way part-time through some kind of indeterminate masters degree program that people still don't understand even after hearing you explain it f...