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CSA Pick-Up Style. . .

It's getting to be that time in the summer!  Yep, the garden fresh vegetables are starting to come in.  Picked up the first half-share of the Grand Duchess' Summer 2024 community supported agriculture allotment late yesterday (Thursday) afternoon.  Some delicious looking items that will make a nice salad for dinner this evening.  Meanwhile, the Grand Duchess and Young Master are across Lake Michigan in Wisconsin visiting cousins for the next several days and attending a large annual airshow. while yours truly holds down the fort.

More of the usual summertime fare in the attire photos featured.  This particular shirt, while it has not appeared here in quite some time, is one of my favorites.  An item that has been in the seasonal rotation for a dozen years or more.  It ironed up nicely before I put it on and tucked it in.  The chino shorts (with a 6" inseam. . .  I know, I know.) are one of many such khaki pairs currently occupying the bottom drawer of my dressed.  Regardless of the precise shade, or fading, these are very easy to pair with a polo top -- the so called "golf shirt" -- Madras, seersucker, twill, or, for chilly evenings, the odd Rugby jersey.  Easy!

Much like ensuring that we smell nice with a shower, deodorant, and a splash of aftershave or cologne, looking presentable at home ain't a hardship guys.  Rather, it's something wives, girlfriends, and domestic partners appreciate even if they remain silent on the matter.  Trust me.

-- Heinz-Ulrich 


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