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Showing posts from September, 2024

Office Hour Style. . .

  O n campus for a full seven-and-a-half-hour day today with one thing and another,  Managed though to snap a couple of quick photos during Zoom office hours late this morning when I found a quiet spot in the library to open up my laptop, log on, and then take care of other small tasks while the Zoom window was open.  The beauty of remote office hours.  But as expected, no students turned up.   They never did for physical office hours either pre-pandemic. Usually, there is nary a peep from the young minds we attempt to mold unless there is some kind of problem.  Most of the time, of their own making if we are honest.  Hey, I've taught for almost 30 years.  Certain trends emerge, so I feel secure in that observation.  Not enough of us seem to take a proactive approach to life.  Yet the cultivation of just that practice would alleviate a lot of the issues that arise before they become issues. Attire-wise, more of the usual suspects, but this was a pleasing combination today.  Especi

Seersucker Monday. . .

  M ostly sunny and warm temperatures today after a cool start, so out came the recently cleaned and pressed vintage seersucker suit.  I know.  I know. It's a week after Labor Day, we're staring mid-September in the face, and I'm a gauche rube.  I'm so ashamed.   Sartorial foibles notwithstanding, I was extremely comfortable in the overly warm classroom once 50 bodies filled it it not once but twice.  And a student complimented the attire as I later left the building for the parking lot where my car waited.   As I always say, never necessary, but always nice to hear when kind words come from a stranger.  And don't forget the Panama hat either. -- Heinz-Ulrich

Friday on Campus Style. . .

S omewhat atypically, I was on campus for several hours today helping with an interview that is part of a larger documentary project on which a colleague and I are working.  Although I am behind the camera (I'm the audio guy in fact), what better reason does one need to dress presentably?  Exactly.   Everything worn, barring the recently purchased University of Wisconsin socks, a gift from the Grand Duchess, has been in the rotation for a while now.  And, of course, there was the Panama hat, which I'll wear until we pass October 1st when the felt fedoras reappear. -- Heinz-Ulrich      

Thursday Work from Home Style. . .

  A pleasantly sunny and warm, yet comfortable September day working from home.  Perfect weather still for some Madras shorts, leather deck shoes, and a now 20-year old OCBD from Land's End that is finally too worn and frayed in places to wear with a jacket and necktie or suit.  But until a tear develops somewhere, it remains ideal for frumping around the house, albeit tucked in and with a casual belt.  Said shirt is also great for recording, editing, processing, and uploading another episode of my podcast. As I have written here a number of times before today, this particular shirt was one of several 'Original Oxfords' purchased from Land's End when I took my first teaching job outside of Minneapolis, following graduate school, at a small college now long closed due to highly questionable ethical and financial practices. Of that, the less said, the batter.  But I still have and wear several items purchased in 2003-2004 when it became clear that my existing professiona

Late Summer Style. . .

I t might be after Labor Day, but it was a bright sunny day with warm temperatures here in Mid-Michigan today.  Hence the vintage Madras tie (the real deal) and coral pant along with newly resoled loafers.  And the Panama hat of course.  The ensemble even garnered a compliment as I made my way into the library mid-morning.  Never necessary, but always nice to hear. -- Heinz-Ulrich