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Vintage Bowtie Monday. . .


And it's September 30th!  Week Six of the Fall 2024 semester.  Already.  

To celebrate being alive, today I wore a vintage J. Press bow tie with a shirt from Mercer & Sons, suit by Brooks Bros., and shoes (with matching belt) by Allen Edmonds, the latter resoled in August, 11 years after their last recrafting at the AE factory.  

This time, I simply wanted the shoes resoled, rather than a full recrafting, so did not send them off.  I took them instead to the last apparent cobbler in the Lansing area.  But it still took about a month until the work was finished given their backlog of business.  No matter, it was still summer.  And the crowded shelves behind the counter in the shop were good to see.  One of the cobblers is a soft-spoken young guy with long hair (But he knows his shoes!), so hopefully they'll be around for years to come. 

All items shown already in the rotation for at least the last two or three years.  In some cases longer than that.  Significantly, I nailed the tie on the first try.  It does not always go so smoothly.  Oh, and the Panama hat, of course, making its final appearance for 2024.  Tomorrow is October 1st, so I'll put this particular hat away for the season and move over to various felt fedoras, from Borsalino and Optimo Hats of Chicago, in a nod to cooler weather to come.  

Can the cozy wool flannels, bold tweeds, and rich corduroys with their sh-sh-sh-sh sound be far off?

-- Heinz-Ulrich


  1. Absolutely a wonderful blog. Look forward to each one!

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words!



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All opinions are welcome here. Even those that differ from mine. But let's keep it clean and civil, please.

-- Heinz-Ulrich

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