Having a bit of fun, as usual, with the attire for today, which includes a vintage bow tie from Polo. Although I don't think George F. Will has anything to fear! Believe it or not, I managed to nail the tie on the first attempt. Without the benefit of standing before the mirror I might add. We're getting there. Now the socks (Ben Silver) are a bit, shall we say, eye-catching, but it's not like I'm wearing them with plus fours. They are only visible when I sit down after all. I can report, however, that a female colleague paid them a very nice compliment. As I say occasionally here, they are never necessary, or even the purpose behind why we dress with presentable intention, but compliments are nice to hear if and when others offer them. One of those many small social graces that were, in many instances, lost in the bustle of late 20th century life. But reintroducing them to general public discourse might nevertheless help th...