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Vapid Popinjay Friday. . .


A vintage illustration of a Scarlet Macaw, standing in here as my avatar.

A mildly irritating end to the week.  First, a workshop scheduled for midday was postponed at the last minute by a week.  Then, a person my colleague and I were supposed to interview again for our developing documentary project, since the initial footage from two or three weeks ago turned out to be unusable, backed out an hour before we were scheduled to convene again via a rather confusing email.  

Now normally, I would not mind cancelled meetings, but grrrrrr.  Saddest of all, there was no reason to bother donning the attire set out last night before bedtime, so today turned out to be a work from home sort of day dressed in corduroy jeans, a striped Rugby jersey, and the usual (for cooler weather) chocolate suede camp moccasins.  Some days. . .

I know, I know.  First World problem.

-- Heinz-Ulrich


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All opinions are welcome here. Even those that differ from mine. But let's keep it clean and civil, please.

-- Heinz-Ulrich

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