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Audio Production Thursday Style. . .


And here we are at the end of January already!  My, how time does fly.  

In any case, here are a couple of shots of Thursday's at-home attire, another variation of the usual cold weather uniform when I am not on campus.  The usual corduroy jeans in one color or another with either a plaid flannel shirt (tucked in), or a Rugby jersey, and one of six  ribbon belts in the rotation.  A cozy day spent down here in my office, aka Zum Stollenkeller, recording and processing the latest edition of my podcast to provide added support to the students in my hybrid courses for Spring 2025.  

Gotta love the Shure and Rode hardware combined with the audio processing software from Waves and Universal Audio!  That's stuff for a different discussion however. 

Yesterday's 12-minute episode was on the importance of learning teams taking a close look at, reevaluating, and modifying their collaborative work habits following completion and submission of Team Project #1.  I'll embed the finished audio in the Week Six course module set up in our online learning management system for students to access in three weeks when we actually get to Week Six.

But I digress!  Yet again, the clothing illustrated above shows that one need not stray into perpetually adolescent slob territory even when at home and out of sight.  Dress presentably for yourself. 

-- Heinz-Ulrich


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