Another one of those blasted very early in the morning appointments today, this time to have a filling replaced at the dentist. Actually, an easy in and out given the time I arrived. It was so early, they took me back and got to work without delay. Something to be said for that. The shot of Novocaine to the gums, not so much.
I have a very old friend, who I've known for 40+ years. We go way back and played in a few hard rock bands together in around Philadelphia back during the heady days of the 1980s. The two of us still talk about twice a year, and once in a while the subject of personal attire comes up.
His take is that he enjoys looking nice, but doesn't have a lot of time. My own position, as you might recall, is that looking reasonably good needn't require much time at all provided your have a few essential items hanging in your closet that can be mixed and matched without a whole lot of thought. Or time. Even in the dark of the pre-sunrise bedroom following a shower.
Between you and me, and given that my old friend is some kind of marriage counselor, who provides solace and guidance to people in need, it might behoove him to add a blazer and a couple of sports jackets to his office attire with maybe a tucked in shirt and a few neckties. But that's just me.
-- Heinz-Ulrich
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-- Heinz-Ulrich