The very picture of calm, cool sophistication. The late, great Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957). A s has been written here before at The Average Guy's Guide to Classic Style , there's more to kicking up our everyday style a few notches than simply swapping out those ratty sweatpants, flipflops, and worn cargo shorts for tweed jackets, flannel pants, tan wingtips, and natty wool ties. In fact, the lion's share of the change must come from within. With that in mind, here are 10 related ideas to ponder. 1) Strive to be well-rounded. A narrow guy is an uninteresting guy. Conversely, a guy with broader interests and knowledge, a guy who looks beyond the end of his nose, has at least the potential to come across as a more interesting individual. So, make an effort to become acquainted with a lot of different things, ideas, concepts, people, places, art, literature, and events. In other words, do something more than simply sit in front of th...