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Decisions, Decisions. . .

A cartoon, which appeared originally in The New Yorker, sent in by a reader (Thank you, Old School!).  Those of you who are into classic neckties might appreciate it.  I certainly did. 

The spring semester is winding down, and the remaining days to pull myself together and go through the arduous, even hellish, daily process of putting on reasonably nice classic male attire are relatively few.  Sadly.  But there are still about two weeks and a conference, so we're not quite out of the game for the remainder of Spring and the summer just yet. .  .  though the comfy, worn dock-siders, khaki shorts and Madras shirts are all ready.

Still rather chilly here in Mid-Michigan for the middle of April (we had an inch or so of snow on the ground yesterday morning and more is forecast for tonight), so the tweeds, corduroys,  and flannel suits are still in the ol' wardrobe and getting an extended season, much like the cross country (Nordic) skiing in the Upper Peninsula this year.  

This morning I chose a navy wool flannel two-piece suit that has a very faint micro windowpane pattern on top of the base color.  Navy wool dress socks with black half-wing shoes, an old light blue OCBD, navy braces with red and silvery gray paisleys, and a vintage Reis of New Haven necktie -- in red, navy, and dark green repp stripes -- complete the ensemble. 
My phone is not cooperating for some reason, so please excuse the lack of photograph,

I crossed paths with a fellow traveler late yesterday afternoon in a local Starbucks, where I took care of some daily post-class meeting administration on my laptop while enjoying a latte (cue the Fraser and Niles jokes) and waiting for my son to finish with his usual Tuesday after-school appointment.  

The man -- also a 50-something based on his mature appearance and quietly confident demeanor -- walked by, paused, and complimented the tan leather briefcase, given to me by my wife the Grand Duchess for my 50th birthday back in November 2016.  He wore a navy blazer himself with taupe wool dress pants and dark brown loafers of some kind.  Besides the few minutes of pleasant conversation and a chuckle or two between us, it was nice to see that I am not completely alone in my little corner of the world when it comes to attire and outlook.

By that point in the afternoon, I should point out, that I was dressed more casually than for school, and wore my usual after-school, cool weather duds: a pair of green corduroy jeans with a surcingle belt, an OCBD beneath an old cream and charcoal Norwegian fisherman's pullover sweater (it has been cold here as I say), and a pair of well-worn dark brown suede loafers. . .  without socks.  I know, I know. 

-- Heinz-Ulrich


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