Another vintage illustration, today by Louis Hurd. A nd goodness knows, with my apologies to Jane Austen, we need more sense and sensibility in the times of Covid-19. We're in the midst of a public health crisis after all, people. My God. Sorry. I'll be better directly. There now. The momentary twitching lower left eyelid and throbbing temple have subsided. Let's get back on topic. While in my view Put This On has strayed somewhat in recent years, a bit too much in the direction of street style, norm core, dad style, and Americana workwear for my tastes, I still visit the website occasionally where there is a very good essay by Derek Guy today on The Importance of Small Business in Menswear . Have a look and read carefully through it because there is more there than simply fluff about how lock-downs in various places could potentially harm retailers and the economy. It ain't always about the money, folks....